Monday, December 14, 2009

I Could Have Taken Out That 80 Year Old Woman......

Monday, December 13, 2009

Are you on the edge of your seats wondering how the Family Road Trip to Wichita Falls went this past weekend??   Check out the pictures and take a guess.......Yep, I took these with my cell phone as we're traveling down the highway.........pretty much in line with what I predicted!!  Dad's topic of conversation, when he wasn't napping, wasn't disappointing either!  My favorite was........DAD: "So, what do you think of pregnant girls playing volleyball?"   Hummmmm.....can't say I've ever thought about that before..........

Okie Dokie.....that's what they say in Wichita Falls, Texas.......actually, they don't say that; Liz does; I don't know why I said they say that in Wichita Falls......geezzzz.........there I go again....rambling's a few helpful hints I learned from Family Road Trip Weekend to Wichita Falls for Lance's College Graduation:

1)  Always a good idea to Mapquest your hotel destination prior to leaving home if you don't use a GPS.    I thought it might be "fun" to see if I could remember where the hotel was on my own....unfortunately, The Parents and Chuck didn't think it was that much "fun".......especially after the unscheduled tour of Wichita Falls in the car with everyone needing a bathroom.  I don't know why I insist on doing that!  I do the same thing with my inspection sticker!  Every year, I challenge myself to see how long I can go with an expired inspection sticker and tag before being ticketed.  My record is better than a year with an expired inspection sticker AND expired tag!!   I'm very, very proud of this record!

2)  When preparing for bed in a strange location, check to be sure the alarm clock isn't set.  I figure there is a creep in Losers-ville, Texas somewhere laughing his head off over setting our hotel alarm clock for a REAL early hour prior to his checking out.....

3)  If confronted by an 80 year old woman demanding your reserved seat,  just give it to her.   We sent my sister to the graduation stadium an hour and a half early to reserve us all seats.  She did good.  She reserved 4 handicap seats (two for Mom and Dad and two for Chuck and I) and half the row just in front of them for everyone else.   It was the perfect location.  Or so we thought until an 80 year old lady got in my face demanding our handicap seats.  I told her they were reserved and she just kept saying, "You're not can't sit there!!!" and demanding I give up our seat.  Yes, she was right.  I'm fortunately not handicapped, but my husband is and I would like to sit with my husband.  Plus, there was no other seat available for me if I gave up my seat.   She was relentless and pointing her finger in my face!!  My nephew remember Matt......I blogged about him a week ago......well, he saw this was getting ugly FAST and pulled me and the 80 year old lady off each other.  I could have taken her, you know.......(thanks for giving up your seat, Matt......I knew there was another reason I liked you!)

4)  When taking pictures from a long ways off, double check to be sure you are taking pictures of the "right" person.  Yep, I took many, MANY pictures of the wrong graduate.  The graduate I have the most pictures of was sitting three rows behind Lance.  UGH!!  Sorry about that, Lance....Check out the pictures and see if YOU can tell the difference.......errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

5)  When showing a DVD presentation that you put together for someone 

you love, get your crying done and out of the way PRIOR to the presentation.   You would think after seeing it a ZILLION times while making it, I would be immune from being emotional; but NOOOOOOO ......I cried like a baby......UGH......

6)  Oh ya, when planning an event such as this, definitely, definitely, definitely hire Lance's girlfriend, Sarah Long to help in the organizing!  Without her help, we would have been stuck at a restaurant instead of the clubhouse of her apartment complex.  It worked out sooooo much better having this at a nice, quiet Clubhouse instead of the noisy, we wouldn't have had any sugar for the tea or any way to scoop out the potato salad.  Thanks Sarah!!

Well folks, thats about it.  It was a fun, irritating (see Item 3 above) and emotional (see Item 5 above) weekend all wrapped up in one.  We couldn't be more proud of Lance and his accomplishments and we love him so very much!  Now, on to our Calloway Christmas Weekend coming up this coming weekend.........stay tuned!!

To View Lance's Video Montage, head on over to .........


Anonymous said...

Hi Liz,
Your blog always cracks me up and makes my day! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

"Liz, your website is amazing... I so impressed how you guys have so embraced your lives...GODSPEED"


Anonymous said...

Loved the Blog, Liz. Thanks for the compliment


Anonymous said...

"yeah, I always look forward to a murphy's mom update... Liz hurry up and do something exciting so we can read about it!!"

Robert Jordan

Anonymous said...

"Liz-- it is the stuff memories are made of. Neither you nor Lance nor any of
the others will forget this any time soon. By the way-- give my congratulations
to Lance. That is a real milestone. "

Tom Lemon

Anonymous said...

"The next 80-year-old who wants to take your seat had better look out!"

Kim Gertz

Anonymous said...

"D you have any more graduations to go to? Kim's comment made me wonder. Let me know if you go to the movies or a play just in case LOL"
