“Challenging”......the dictionary definition goes something like this, “demanding, testing, taxing, exacting; difficult, tough, hard, formidable, onerous, arduous, strenuous, grueling; uninspiring.” Wow, my week fit most of those definitions.
Without going into detail, just know this was one of those weeks that challenged me in many different ways: patience, forgiveness, regrets, understanding, friendships and family. Yep, all of these and more. I have been cut deep to the core of my soul this week by someone who I considered not just family, but a friend. Someone who I thought my relationship with was strong enough that a phone call to me would have resolved her concerns and allowed me to explain what really happened. Someone who I considered a good person and not someone that spread untruths to people near and dear to me. I’m so deeply disappointed that there are no words to express it.
I’ve struggled with how best to handle this. I have prayed long and hard daily about this. I have wrestled with forgiveness and with understanding. I’ve lost sleep over this. What is one to do that has been accused, judged and punished wrongly? Is it best to not try and defend myself but rather let God do so on my behalf, at his own time? I think so.
“Lord, may our hearts kneel at your feet pouring our desperate needs to you; for you always respond to the broken and contrite heart.”
Lee (on Twitter)
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