Friday, July 17, 2009
Well, it's been almost a week since we returned home and I'm still trying to catch up. I have piles and piles in my home office of paperwork....I have the JC Sound pile; I have the C & E A/C pile; I have the Chuck & Liz pile; I have the Mom & Dad pile; and I have the EPPOA pile (I'm treasurer of our HO Assoc & its Dues time). UGH....AND, I had mail delivered to me while we were gone; 4 times! I bet I have a total of 6 full sized trees of paper on the floor of my office. Anyway, I'm starting to see a light at the bottom of the piles (which may very well be a "spark" from the fire I started earlier this week).....
It's been an interesting week.......
SUNDAY; the temperature in the house finally dropped below 95 degrees around 5:00 pm once we got Jon-Wayne Air Conditioning out there (I get such a kick out of that name.....Jon-Wayne A/C....I'm giggling as I type). It was dreadful in there. Turns out there had been a bad lightening storm earlier that week which blew our transformer. Same storm burned down our neighbors boathouse!
MONDAY, ahhhh... this was a wonderful day as I got to see my Meals on Wheels friends. I wish you guys could meet them....they may be old, but they are COOL! Also, we saw a fiery accident on the highway which I video'd with my cell phone. Check it out at www.YouTube.com and type in MurphysMom1 to see the raw footage.....and I do mean "raw"......please don't judge my lack of video abilities.....
TUESDAY; Errrrrrr......that's when I opened all 543 pieces of mail and sorted. I believe that is the day I actually started the "spark" under the piles.
WEDNESDAY; HAIR APPOINTMENT! Hallulujah!! I told Frosty to go ahead and cut it off while she was at it! I can always tell when Frosty thinks its time to cut my hair. I've been going to her for 13 years now, so I know her pretty well....and she knows me even better. She knows when, psychologically, its too soon for me to cut my hair. She says, "Let's cut it next time; I have a full schedule today." But when she sees my hair and is disgusted by it, she says "To heck with my schedule; we're cutting your hair today!". So this week, she was disgusted with my hair....so we cut!
I was able to spend the afternoon with Mom on Wednesday and we had such a lovely afternoon. We ate pizza and ice cream and shopped a little; just like old times. We talked and caught up and it was just a special, beautiful, very good day. And to top the day off, I spent the night at my friend Carla's house. It was so good to see Carla. She and I used to see each other every week and we haven't done that in FOREVER, so we got fast food Chinese, sat in the living room and caught up on the last year and a half. Awesome evening!
THURSDAY: Locked myself in my office.........came out around 10:00 pm.
FRIDAY: Locked myself in my office.......came out around 4:00 pm.
And so here I am. Friday evening......still have a few piles hanging around the office floor, but I needed to come up for air; and to Blog to my good friends. I miss Blogging to you guys each day; taking you with me on vacation and having something happen during the day and thinking how much you would enjoy hearing about it.
Well, I guess we'll just have to head back out on vacation.........GET IN THE RV, CHUCK!!
Have a GREAT weekend, friends!
you are to funny
Oh Liz... I love reading your comical situations...they are fun to read, to see whats going on in your world. There is never a dull moment it seems. When you get all of your mail done, then it will be time to go on vacation again lol.
Hi Liz - you are so funny -- love your notes! Our hydrangea bush is so heavy with blossoms that the branches are wanting to break. We tied up some of them to the deck railing but too many, too heavy. Hope they don't break. I have some pictures attached that were taken before the 2007 storm except for two. The lilac bush/tree was sooo beautiful and doing so well.
Hope your hair is happy - sounds like it is. (:>
Hi Liz, thanks for all the info...I am getting ready to get on my bike, the celebration this morning is not as pleasing as you would think, one of our finest from CSPD was killed in a motorcycle accident, and we are going to his funeral. Changing to a different subject, I am glad to be home, the heat in Tx was out of this world, however very enjoyable, reminiscing with the family about the good all days, and how blessed we all are in spite of ourselves...God is good!! Habe a blessed day, and say hi to chuck for me.
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