Friday, August 28, 2009
There she is......Mrs. Eagle Point.......yep, its true!! I would like to thank my family, friends and fans for voting for me. What?? You didn't vote for me?? That's ok. You, just like me, probably didn't know about the contest. I think I was the only contestant. I'm so honored.....I only wish I had dressed a little better for the event......
It all started last weekend when our neighbor, Wanda (remember......my fellow-forkee with the alias name??) was 1st runner up in the Ms. Mt. Vernon Pageant here in large metropolis Mt. Vernon, Texas. She was just beautiful up on the stage and we were so proud of her! Well, I was over at her house the other night ooohing and aaahing over her trophy and I "might" have even been trying on a crown or two that she had won from prior pageants. Before I knew it, flashbulbs were going off and people were asking me to pose over here; then over there; it was fabulous. I felt like a white Oprah Winfrey when she won Miss Fire Prevention in 1971! Eventually, Wanda took her crown back and my reign came to an end..........or so I thought!
The next day, I headed to Dallas for the day. Upon arriving home that evening and coming through the front gate of our neighborhood, I glanced to my left at the bulletin board and imagine my surprise when THERE I WAS......Big As Life.......on the Bulletin Board next to the obituary for Buddy our deceased neighborhood dog! I had been voted Mrs. Eagle Point!!!
I'm so glad the contest didn't require me to do a "talent" or anything.....and I really wish I hadn't been trying on Wanda's brothers' hideous boots at the time of the picture, but hey, who knew I would be crowned Mrs. Eagle Point!??! Who knew there even was a Mrs. Eagle Point Contest??? Obviously, you didn't cause you didn't vote for me. I wonder if I get to eat for free at Dairy Queen now?? WOW!
Well, enough about me........its time for a Murphy update. The poor little guy has been learning so many new tricks lately that he's getting his words confused. If I tell him to "shake", he rolls over. If I tell him to "roll over", he sits down. We have a little more work to do before making another YouTube video for ya.
UPDATE ON JOHN MCCAIN'S LEG: We still have not found the missing John McCain leg yet either. As you may recall, Obama originally confessed to removing the leg due to the cost of repairing it at John McCain's age, and now it appears he didn't act alone. An anonymous new witness came forward this week with a damaging photo that implicated Uno, the dog next door, as an accomplice to the crime. Here's the picture that was sent in by National Pet Inquirer Magazine showing Uno's involvement. He will be apprehended upon arrival in Mt. Vernon this weekend.
Congratulations! And the boots really do make the outfit complete.
Congrats ------ You've always been kind of flighty. ;0)
Hi Liz,
Jack and I arrived last evening and saw the poster...glad to know how you won the title. And Congratulations!!!
When is the parade? I want to see the famous Queen's wave.
Take care,
Sounds like you are having way too much fun out there! Good to hear from you. Hope all is well with you and Chuck.
Steve and I were laughing soooo hard I was crying. With respect, a congratulations is in order for your being crowned Mrs, Eagle Point.
hey, he's attacking the wrong guy!
Well, now I personally know 3 beauty queens (2 Miss Americas are Denton natives)!
Cute, very cute!!
Congrats to you, Mrs. Eagle Point!!!!!!!
I guess now we will be expected to courtesy upon approaching your hinny ness !!!!!
Chuck Armstrong
Congratulations on your new title. Wow Mrs Eagle Point. Had I known about the contest, I would have voted for you(more than once) I might add. Thanks so much Liz for the updates on what happened to John McClains leg.
Betty Faber
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