Thursday, October 29, 2009
I'm sad today.
Today, I got a form from a friend that is also one of the best local real estate agents here at the lake. The form is one I've received many times before, completed and returned without any emotion. But today, I would have done just about anything to not complete this form. You see, I am the Treasurer of our homeowner association and when people sell their homes and move, they can't close on their house until I sign off on it. I have to confirm they are paid up with the Association. And today I had to complete the form on our next door neighbors, Mike and Kim.
Although I tried to convince my friend, their realtor, that they owed $28,000 and hadn't paid their homeowner dues for 8 years, she knew me too well. Dang. Dang. Dang. So, here we go. They are scheduled to close in about 3 weeks and this just simply isn't enough time for their neighbors who love them dearly to wrap our minds around the fact that we will no longer have the wonderful homemade Saturday night dinners that Kim is famous for; we will no longer have the EP3 (the name of our group) Rock Band concerts in their living room till late in the night; no more Saturday night charades that leave us rolling on the floor laughing; no more lawn mower races between Chuck and Kim and no more Charlie's Fan Club President.
You see, Mike and Kim are family to their neighbors on Eagle Cove. We vacation together; we shop together; we share our immediate families with each other; we know each others deepest, darkest secrets. They are what helps us full-timers separate the weekend from the weekdays. There has been a dark, black, rainy cloud hanging over Eagle Cove since they signed the contract a week ago.
I know I'm sounding as if they're going away forever and we'll never see them again. Actually. they've promised us they will be back every other weekend to cook and mow for us (kidding!), and we did promise to put their name on the door of our guest room which I'm working on as I write. Truth is, Chuck and I feel so incredibly blessed to have such dear friends like Mike and Kim. We feel blessed to have the wonderful, unforgettable memories they have provided us and we thank them for making our life fuller.
You will be missed (at least every other week), my dear friends.