Saturday, October 17, 2009
I don't know about you, but I've never been that interested in knowing who my State Representative is in Washington or how to contact him/her. But in light of all the crap (uh...I mean "stuff") coming down the pike from Washington these days, Chuck and I have felt the need to know who the dude is that votes on our behalf and to let him know easy it would be for us to FIRE him if he doesn't vote appropriately.
Soooo....I googled and found this really great site that allows anyone, no matter where you live, to easily find your representative; see what he stands for; see what he's done for (or against) you; see if he was one of those Democrats that "slipped" out of the room so they didn't have to vote on Countrywide; and how to contact him. Thought I'd share it with you so you, too, could make your voice heard:
My neighbor, Becky, and I went last month to Longview in the pouring rain to our very first, but not last, Tea Party opposing this ridiculous health care reform issue. It felt good, I've got to tell ya, to be doing be heard; plus, we got to carry cool signs and I thought we looked kinda cute too!
So, as most of you know, I'm not usually much into politics; actually, I took Government twice in high school cause I wasn't paying attention the first time, but I feel strongly that we'd be negligent to NOT be doing what we can to be heard; irregardless of what side you're on.
So, my Blogger Friends, use this website to find who represents YOU and see if they stand for what YOU stand for; and if they don't, let them know. And if they do stand for your issues, let them know that too!

Good stuff. Amazing the things we become interested in when we get older huh?
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