Saturday, February 13, 2010
Well, we are now heading into 36 hours without electricity. But it's not all in vain. I have learned all about Global Warming the last couple days. I've learned......
1) That when you are freezing cold, you give a great deal of thought about going to the restroom. Do I really need to go that bad? Can it wait? Maybe I can just wait a while longer and consolidate my bathroom actually spend time on these thoughts.....Plus, you know you need to give yourself a good 10 minute head start just to peel the layers of clothes off.......
2) That if we have 50 gallons of diesel fuel in the RV and it takes an average of 1-2 gallons of fuel every hour to run the Generator, you don't have long before your brain freezes......
3) That if Al Gore invented the internet and also invented Global Warming; why can't he invent a way to use the internet during the Global Warming Snowstorm of 2010??
4) Would someone please thump Al Gore on the forehead??
5) That one pair of jeans, one set of thermal underwear, two pairs of socks, two thermal shirts on top of the thermal underwear top, thick scarf, ear muffler, mittens still don't keep me warm in a house that is 45 degrees....
6) That a DQ Cheeseburger never tasted SOOOOO good.......
Did you notice that yesterday's Blog, "I'm COLD....No Blog Today" was a Blog?? I just noticed brain and fingers was frozen when I typed that....
Is it just me, or does he appear to be blowing a lot of hot air lately?'s what I'm thankful for.......
* I'm thankful that Chuck & the salesman talked me into buying the RV last year......I slept toasty warm last night because of it...
* That we have wonderful neighbors to share this very C-O-L-D experience with....
* That Al Gore is missing right now...
* That I'm drinking a strong hot cup of coffee right now.....and my fingers have thawed.....
* And that I'm getting 3 bars on my Sprint Internet's not Wifi, but its communication with the outside world!
Pray for Power.......

Sorry to hear Liz!
I bolted for S CA with JD
I hope you get Elec back soon. Keep Chuck warm!
See you the week of the 22nd. Going to hang out in Sunny CA until then
Is power out in whole area
Oh girl, I am so sorry you are still without electricity! All that snow way down south is so bizarre. Surely, it won't be long now, right?? Try and stay warm!
I know how you feel .24hrs and counting .I got to work at 7:00 this morn ,so I could clean up and try to warm up for my first client .
I do not have pictures on Facebook, I need to get some on there. We usaully rent a place off of, it is a neat website with places to rent all over the place and some are very reasonable. We love that area, we lived in Mt Pleasant in the late 70's, (wow that makes me feel old to say). David worked on the building of Lake Bob Sandlin.
Do you ever come up to see Troy and them? They only live about 15 minutes from me.
Liz----Now, 36 hrs is way too long to be without electricity!!!! So glad you have that RV for a backup. We were only without TV and the Internet until about an hour ago, we were warm and toasty though. I don’t like to be really cold-----or really hot----is that what they call OLD AGE? I get chilled to my bones or something. Yes, when I see Al Gore I am saving a BIG smack for him!!! He’s in hiding I’m sure these days. GOOFBALL!!!!! Try and stay warm and hopefully they will get that electricity on very soon. Cheeseburgers and hot chocolate is a very good diet when you’re COLD.
Love ya, Bonnie
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