Friday, August 14. 2009
Well folks, thought I'd update you on several things.
First, I've had many of you want to know the outcome of Senator McCain's missing leg. It wasn't easy finding the culprit, especially when one of the suspects just wanted to talk about "Health Care Reform" and "Change" all the time. But low and behold, I think we've got the right guy. Yes, it's true; Obama is the guilty party. He claimed the reason he did it was because of Senator McCain's age; it was easier and cheaper to just "remove" the leg as opposed to repairing it since he only had a limited amount of years left.
Now that we solved that issue, I've got to tell ya, its been a busy week! First, remember a few months ago when we had the "Hurricane at Lake Cypress Springs" (Check out the YouTube video at "MurphysMom1" for a reminder) and we lost the canvas top to our gazebo on the boat dock? Well, Chuck came up with a brilliant idea on how to replace it. He thought we should replace it with shingles and make a wood roof. Sounded like a good idea to me; until I realized it meant LIZ was going to be the roofer! Yep, thats right. I can now put "Roofer" down on my ever-growing resume. I've got to say; it looks pretty good.........at least until the next hurricane hits.
After roofing the gazebo, I headed into Dallas to spend some time with Mom and Dad as well as get the gray covered up on my head. As I arrived at Mom and Dad's place, I panicked just a bit when I pulled into the driveway and saw a "hearse" parked across the street. Yep, you heard me right; a HEARSE. This hearse had a 7-11 Big Gulp sitting on the dashboard and clothes hanging over the windows. The rear license plate was from Oklahoma and the front license plate was from Texas. Dad said it had pulled up there the day before and he thought they were using it for a motorhome. I don't know whether to say, "Just like an Okie" or "Wouldn't you know they're from Texas". Crazy funny, though.
How many of you have a specific quiet time each day to talk to God? Well, for years, my quiet time, without fail, is in the shower each morning. Its the one time each day that I'm usually not rushed; don't have the phone ringing (however, Chuck does have a bad habit of bringing me the phone while I'm in the shower.......I've never understood that!!???) and I'm alone with just my thoughts and God. Well, during this Wednesday's talk with God, I felt an urgency or need or necessity to pray for "conscience". I pray this for me most every day, but this day, I prayed that He would give our politicians, as well as those who make it a daily part of their life to wrong others, a "conscience"; that they would feel bad or regretful for doing things they know aren't right. I didn't think much else about it, as many times I've had a "feeling" I should pray for something and not really know why.
Well, I had a Frosty appointment a few hours later. You remember Frosty.....she's my hairdresser. When I arrived at Frosty's salon, she wasn't ready for me yet, so I sat out in the hallway playing Crash Bandicoot on my Ipod Touch (great game, by the way!). It's important to note that I had also brought in my Laptop case as it was too hot to leave in the car. After a few minutes, she called me in and started the "getting-rid-of-the-gray" process. After about an hour, something told me to check on my laptop case. I looked down where my purse was and there was no laptop case. After restarting my heart, I realized I must have left it out in the hallway. Oh man, I jumped out of that chair and ran to the hallway and saw two women standing there with one holding my case. After assuring her it was mine, she proceeded to tell me that she was the manager of the large salon of suites that Frosty works at. She said she had seen a gruffy looking man walking around with my case for quite awhile. She thought it was odd as he just kept walking around but didn't appear to have business there, so she kept a close eye on him. At one point, he walked out the front door (with my laptop case) and a little bit later, came back in with it. She quietly followed him and saw him place the laptop case back where he found it and left the building. I had to restart my heart again after hearing that story. She even made the comment, "I guess his conscience wouldn't let him take it." That's when I remembered my prayer that morning. WOW! I have lost count of how many times I've thanked the good Lord since then for nudging me to pray for "conscience" just 3 hours earlier. And who doesn't believe in the Power of Prayer???? WHOA.........
We're gassing up the jetski's and boat; blowing up the tube and getting ready for a wonderful weekend on the lake with Chuck's family. Let's hope the water stays in the lake this time........
good story my friend....love your blogs..... to see whats going on at your end of the road from here...lol. Yes I believe in prayer too...all you have to do is call on him for things you need and he is right there beside you.
Jean Ann
Re: Mom likes me best
"OK, I'm intrigued. I was reading The Bucket List and noticed you are afraid of
crickets. I have got to hear this one. C'mon spill the beans."
Tom Wardle
Oh I love this message. thanks for sending to us. Amazing what prayer does, isn't it? We should trust more. Love the hearse story.
Hey Liz you look good as a roofer, keep up the good work!!
Wow to the power of prayer!! You and me too.
Have a great weekend.
Love, Mary Lee
What a story regarding the laptop.....you probably had a dozen people's
lives in that laptop and would have had a hard time reconstructing
the memory, etc. You are right, prayer does count big time.
love you both so much.
A roofer?? who showed you how?? I may need a new roof some
day...necessary information there.
ant ellie
Once again- hilarious. You and Chuck would be stylin in a hearse! Hahaha! Love you bunches!
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