Sad news........Senator McCain is "literally" on his last leg........that 5 1/2 year stint in the North Vietnamese prisoner of war camp pales in comparison to what ol' Murphy has put him just 5 short months.....
As you can see from his "before" and "after" pictures, he's had a hard life the last few months. He had his leg chewed off by a big black dog with soulful eyes (I'm not naming names, Uno...); he was left out in the brutal 110 degree heat this past summer for days on end; we found him last week in the neighbor's back yard in the sleet and snow; we've lost count of the many times he almost drowned in the heavy rains; we rescued him from the lake once; and yes, Murphy has taken "advantage" of him on more than one occasion.
Not sure how much longer he was going to be with us, so thought I'd give you an update on him while he's still hanging in there...........
That was so funny girl!!
I know where i can get you an Obama replacement, if you would like.
McCain wants to go back to Nam while he still can.
"Aww...poor Johnny..."
"I say you put duct tape on Murphy and see how he likes walking around with that stuff wrapped around his leg. Maybe he will be nicer to uncle John next time."
Robert Jordan
It's a doggy, doggy life!!
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