Friday, January 1, 2009..........oops..........2010
Right now, while you're still burping up little reminders of the estimated 94 cheese balls you consumed on New Year's Eve, is the time to make your New Year's resolutions. Thought I'd share mine with ya:
1) I Am Not Going To Dread Meeting With The "CPA"
This is a big step for me, folks. Those of you who know me well know that, although our "CPA" is a nice guy, he's been known to SCARE THE FIRE out of me in the past! Oh ya, no amount of talking to myself, wearing extra deodorant, and prayer gave me a sense of "calm" when it came to the "CPA". This was obviously a "Liz" problem and she knows it; however, it appeared to me that when he would ask me a question, even if it was as simple as "How's Chuck?", his eyes were saying "You Idiot!"...............
2) I Will Stop Driving My Car With My Knees
Although I'm really good at this, I'm turning 50 this year and its time to give that up. The knees just aren't what they used to be and one never knows when that arthritis is going to kick, its scaring the neighbors....
3) I Will Think Of A Password Other Than "Password"
Ya, I really need to stop doing that.......especially now that you all know my password is "password".....errrrrrrrr
4) I Will Stop Taking My Shoe Off & Beating The Printer When It Doesn't Work Right....
I lose more printers this way.......maybe I'll just get the book out and read the instructions this year.
5) I Will Replace Murphy's Senator McCain Doll With A Barack Obama Doll
This could be fun! After seeing what he did to Senator McCain, this could be a treat for the whole neighborhood and YouTube to watch!!!
6) I Resolve To Stop Hiding Around the Corner & Going "BOO" When Chuck Comes Out Of the Bathroom....
And we were surprised when he was diagnosed with a heart issue this year???!!!!!
7) I Will Stop Using the Jake Brakes on the Motorhome Just To Scare The People In Front of Me.......
Even as I'm typing this, I'm not completely sure I can keep this resolution. I LOVE hearing those jake brakes......and watching the whiplash neck action from cars around me. FUN FUN FUN!!
8) Speaking of Brakes, I Resolve to Stop Slamming On The Brakes When Chuck Falls Asleep On the Back of the Motorcycle.....
Athough this is quite enjoyable and fun to do, it is a little dangerous until I can get a seatbelt installed.
9) I Resolve Not To Use My Taser On A Loved One.......Unless They Tick Me Off....
Yes, I signed some sort of paper my sister slapped in front of me prior to giving me the taser for Christmas, but it really wasn't binding since I didn't know what I was signing...

10) And Lastly, I WILL Find Chuck A New Hearing Aid This Year
Oh ya, folks, he WILL have a new hearing aid by year end. No more crazy, bizarre conversations that involve Dairy Queen or diarrhea; nope.......that boy is going to hear what I'm yelling at him this time next year!
Hooray, the taser is working again!
No.....unfortunately....whahhhhhh.....its still broke..that's what make that resolution much easier to keep!
Happy New Year! I love reading your blog. You are very talented! I'm glad you are doig well. I had both my kids home for the holidays, so we really had a good time. Thanks for keeping in touch! It would be fun to see you this summer after my school gets out. I'm going to come up that way and it would be great to see you! Have a great Sabbath! Love, jana
Thanks for writing! I would love to do that! School gets out the beginning of June and that would be so much fun! I will plan on it! In the mean time, I'll keep up with your adventures through your blog- it is so fun to read! You should write a book- you do such a good job! See you soon then! jana
Oh Liz - you are so funny - we always laugh at your letters to all.
I read it o.k.....some of the replies or comments to events were
written in red letters on a black background and if you didn't
look real carefully, you might have missed them or parts of them.....but
I read everything o.k......also knowing that you would have
commented on them, might have been a clue about the red letters
on a black background......but it was really funny.
ant ellie
don't remove me ever! this is too good!
Liz everything you do is “Top Drawer”………keep ‘em coming.
Liz, you've done the right thing replacing Mccain for What's his name, not worth to metion his name!!
Hi, Just reading this again is so funny.....I am chuckling and that causes
the day to start up right...except for the cold. The sun is out but
there are NO warming is 24 here. but a good belly laugh is
warming so thank you for write such good blogs.
I love you both.
ant ellie
I'm off to school for Ebay buying and selling class.....very interesting.
We love and look forward to each and every one and felt cheated. He He We didn’t know you were having trouble with it, just thought you were really busy. Don’t you dare remove us.
Love you and Chuck,
Bonnie and Dick
P.S. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and we wish you a very Happy New Year!!!
It don't work to good , only half comes through and we are devistated, we wait every day to get the blog and then you can't read the whole thing.
Blogs have been rather short lately, perhaps they just wanted more.
We enjoy your blogs!
BTW, did you create your own website? What program did you use or service to host it?
I LOVE getting your blog! It always makes me smile. :)
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