Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nothing Like Starting the Day With A Bird on the Wheel.....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 - Brenham, TX

Yep, we arrived in Brenham today; home of Blue Bell Ice Cream; Bluebonnet Capital of the World (state flower of Texas, for those of you non-Texans...) and home to our friends, Norm and Sue, Brad and Betty.

We knew this was going to be a typical Charlie/Liz RV Trip when I first had to get the bird perched on my steering wheel out of the RV before we could leave the driveway..........

Did you know that there are REAL Buffalo in Buffalo, Texas??  Me either......

This was the first time we've dragged the car behind the RV instead of the to tell ya....I was a tad bit nervous about it......kept looking in the rear camera making sure it was still there....and that the tires weren't smoking.....and low and behold, it stayed with us the WHOLE time.....

Murphy visited with his girlfriends, Christy, Candi and Tizzy.......he and one-legged Senator McCain were a bit overwhelmed with all the hormones chasing him!!

Check out the three male butts we had dinner with tonight........can you tell who they belong to????