Friday, February 12, 2010

I'm COLD......No Blog Today!

Friday, February 12, 2010

We have been without electricity for about 18 hours now and the house is getting C-O-L-D.........Fortunately we have the motorhome with a generator and our neighbors have a generator, so at least we can fix coffee......but the view with the snow is spectacular......would be even prettier if I were WARM and looking at it, but hey, makes us appreciate the nice warmth that we usually take for granted!

Thought you'd enjoy a picture of our view......

Hopefully, we'll have power tomorrow and be back to Blogging!!  Stay safe everyone.......I hear there are 48 states that have snow in them right now and that includes Florida.......Since Obama thinks there are 57 states, I guess that means there are 9 states free of snow right now.....

Make some snow angels!!


Anonymous said...

Want ot thaw out, come to California. I played golf in 70 degree weather today. It's a tough job...well you know the rest. The snow does look pretty though and I like to ski so it's not all bad. I spoke to George Beaty this morning and they have not had a single day where the temperature got above 32 degrees (freezing) in over a month. It's brutal in Dayton Ohio. Both George and his wife Barbara are in poor health. George has severe osteoporosis and on heavy pain meds 24/7 and Barb had an operation last week for a collapsed uterus. Getting old aint easy. I know your home inside and out now thanks for sending all the pictures, really nice. Keep in touch and keep me informed about your Mom Liz. Love ya, Ray

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures! BUT........... no heat! When we have had storms and no electricity, we at least had our gas fireplaces and the bar-b-q- grill - only worried about stuff in freezer.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is beautiful Liz. We got over 12 inches of snow here in Denton. It's a winter wonderland.

Being without electricity is never any fun. Having the motorhome there will be real handy. Hope you can stay warm.


Anonymous said...

Now that's decorating 1001. Oh, and look, it's all white.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos. Come stay with us if you want. We got heat. Sherrie

Anonymous said...

Sorry and brrrrr. My lights dimmed twice yesterday afternoon but thank goodness the power has stayed know how notorious Woodbridge is for losing power. I did lose 7-8 limbs off my backyard Oak. Fortunately, none fell in the pool or knocked the Dish off the roof, though I had no reception last night because of the snow.
When I revisit your instructions for posting pics on FB, I'll post mine. The duckpond was indiscribable.

You and Chuck stay warm. Thank goodness you can make coffee! xxooxxEllen

Liz Etheridge-Sekerke said...

Where is AL Gore when we really need him???


Anonymous said...

If you weren't drinking coffee, you wouldn't have to go to the bathroom so much. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos, Liz! I hope y’all have your lights and heat back on!! Our email has been down all weekend – finally came up today.
