Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Geezzzz....I can't believe the day is better than half over already! It finally stopped raining & I hardly recognize that big bright round thing up in the sky....I think they're calling it the "sun" or something like that. Chuck is missing; I'm sure he's "somewhere".......I went to Bible Study this morning and came home and he's no where to be found....hummmm......his wheelchair is here; his truck is here; the dog is still here.....hum.....
Well, thought I'd take you on a tour of the Master Bedroom today. You are so totally going to love our bed.....
Back years and years ago, Chuck told me about this "vision" he had of what our bed ought to look like. I've got to admit, I just couldn't visualize what he was describing to me.....but low and behold, once he was finished with it, it was the coolest bed I've ever seen. His idea was to make a canopy out of our exising 4 poster bed and put a TV in the "roof" of the canopy. Now, I've got to tell ya, I still don't know what keeps that TV from falling out, but its still in there and we haven't been hurt by falling TV's, so he did something magical to it.
Here's what he did: He purchased wood and molding to make the canopy, stained it to match the existing bed; made a hole at the foot of the "roof" to hold the TV; had me upholster the canopy part itself and WHALLA.....we had a canopy bed with a TV in it! Twelve years later, its still the neatest bed I've ever seen....
Here's a couple of inexpensive tricks to give the bedroom a rich look....
1) Hot glue your monogram to a solid Euro Sham;
2) Make your own curtains (with hot glue, of course, or iron-on hem tape), make them a good 18" longer than you need so they will puddle on the floor and attach them to a curtain rod with clips....simple simple simple.
3) We had a long, blank wall that went from the bedroom to the Master Bath. It needed something, but I just couldn't figure out what exactly. One day while drooling around at Kirklands, I saw 3 empty frames back in the green tag "scratch & dent" clearance section for about $15 each. I had no idea where to use them, but they were such a good price, I had to have them. Then I saw a metal cone-shaped container......then a flower stem.....hummm......why not put all of these items together? So headed home with my new treasures. I first hung the frames (Tip: Always work in odd numbers); then hung the metal cone-shaped container inside the empty frame; put some styrofoam in the container and then put in a couple floral stems. Finished it up with some moss around the edges and had a real unique answer to the blank wall. It was so easy and inexpensive...I bet I spent less than $70 on the whole thing. The thing I always have to remind myself is there no rules and nothing says I have to use something for what it was originally intended, such as the frames in this case.
I'm glad you can't see where the cat threw up on the rug last night.........BTW, I found Chuck! He's not lost anymore.......

Wow that is cool , would you be willing to adopt me.
Or maybe you could just let me have your house!
That might be better?
Oh Liz, how very, very beautiful. When I was younger, I had pretty good ideas too but now.............! all gone!!!! Last night we had our Chinese bed picked up for sale at a consignment shop. I wanted to cry but didn't - it is time to find new homes for some of our things before we get too old to have the energy to do it. I will be 75 in April and don't have all the energy I used to have - i.e. go,go,go!!!!!! I was like you in that I had so much energy. We were looking at some old pictures while ago and the beautiful high rise apt. in Singapore. Have the same furniture as then and one of our couches was covered in WHITE RAW INDIAN COTTON!!!!! and 2 matching chairs in PINK RAW INDIAN COTTON. Don't know why it didn't get dirty, dirty, dirty but it didn't. It was beautiful. We lived on it but we were just careful people but completely enjoyed it. You probably don't remember but the white Chinese carpet in our dining room with royal blue designs was where we bought it and still love it. We are just careful but LIVE in our furniture. I love your home and what you have done.
My goodness Liz, you're an absolutely fantastic decorator. I love all the stuff you been showing with your beautiful home. You need to take a trip up hear to Nashville and decorate my house. I could really use you here. We're in a log house, so could use lots of ideas. Let me know when you're on your way, ha !!!
What a great idea-----a TV in your bed!!!! Now, it’s a real nest. The whole room is just beautiful!
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