Tuesday, June 16 - Kelso, WA
What a difference a campground can make! I'm in SUCH a good mood tonight because we are in a normal campground. No, no, no....in a WONDERFUL campground! Last night, we pulled into what appeared to be a "worker camp." Now, let me fill you in on what their website said, and I quote, "Come stay overnight at the ranch..on the scenic Yakima River in central Washington." It goes on to say, "Easy Pull-Through Access, Rustic Club House, Livestock and Wildlife Viewings." Now, let's break down Truth from Fiction. Stay with me now...here we go....
STATEMENT: "Come stay overnight at the ranch"......REALITY: There was no ranch. There was a patch of grass in the middle of a cow pasture.
STATEMENT: "On the Scenic Yakima River in Central Washington". REALITY: We were 5 miles from ANY river. I heard they call central Washington a "desert".
STATEMENT: "Easy Pull-Through Access"...REALITY: There was nothing easy about maneuvering 52' of motorhome & trailer through parked cars, trucks and 100 year old airstreams. I also had to dodge the port-a-potty, which, BTW, was the view out our dining room window.
STATEMENT: "Rustic Club House".......now unless they are referring to the bulletin/chalk board at the road that told the rules and a kiosh to put your payment in, I never saw any such club house.
STATEMENT: "Lifestock and Wildlife Viewings".....REALITY: Well, this one may be the closest to the truth. We were sharing a field with the cattle, and the wildlife viewings we saw were mosquitos that were running rampant here. Even poor Murphy was scratching from the mosquitos.
But today is a new day. We lucked out by finding such a nice campground just up the road from Mt. St. Helens. We have a concrete slab that is level instead of the patch of grass with cow manure on it. We have our very own picnic table....under a tree....a beautiful tree instead of nothing to eat on or under. We have neighbors that are quiet and normal and nice...instead of LeRoy scratching himself as he stands in the doorway of his 15' 1948 Airstream on blocks.
I'm so happy!!! What a difference a day makes..........
REALITY, I am here reading the news. Thanks!!!
Liz...I'm still amazed you are enjoying "camping" like this. We know guys can do it. However, I guess you really can't call this camping. We went to Colorado years and years ago in an RV and I had to stay in a hotel every other night. Of course, our RV was not quiet up to the standards of yours! Glad you are enjoying. I'm sure Travis & Jacq. have a bed for you if ya'll are interested!!! Carla
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