Sunday, June 21: Junction City, Oregon
Boy did I ever get a good nights sleep!! And how jealous are you all in Texas going to be when I tell you the high temperature today was about 60 degrees. Beautiful!!
Well, here we sit at the "campground" of the RV dealership here in Junction City to have the it checked out tomorrow. We just came in from outside, sitting around with other customers camping here who are having their Rv's looked at tomorrow as well. I was making tons of mental notes of what I was learning from others and hoping our problem is minor in comparison. Hoping...hoping...hoping..... I'll never forget my friend, Jen's words, upon learning we were first getting an RV, "Oh Liz, something is ALWAYS going wrong when you have an RV".....I hate it when she's right! Errrrrr.......
I thought I'd give you a little history on what Oregon is known for. Now, Chuck and I discovered this totally on our own, but it has been verified by others who have roamed this state more than us. Turns out, Oregon is known for its poor signage. Very very very very poor signage. We learned this last night coming in, which caused us an extra 45 minutes and an additional 50 points on my blood pressure, and we learned it again today on the trike while looking and looking for a state park not far from us that had several waterfalls. I googled this; I know they are there. I saw pictures (see attached). But we never found the waterfalls. We drove and drove but to no avail. So we headed the 65 miles back to the Rv. Chuck, being the navigator he is, made sure and saved our Rv location to "Favorite Places" so we could just hit "Home" and the GPS would take us "Home" to the Rv. So, that's what we did. And that's what the GPS did. We drove and drove and I just knew this wasn't the way we came in. Finally, the little GPS lady inside the device said we only had 1,856 miles to go...........Yep, she was taking us home.....to Texas. I know this makes my Mom very happy!
I do have to say this for Oregon. They still pump your gas here at many stations. Can you believe that?? I was so stunned that I took a picture of the guy pumping the gas. Check it out. He was a little shocked and surprised when I whipped out the camera, but then he saw our license plate and seemed to understand. Speaking of license plates, did I mention that we lost the license plate off the trailer the trike is on??? Actually, we lost it back in Wyoming. We have no idea where it fell off or how, but all we know is that when we got to Cody, Wy it was gone. Turns out, about 30 minutes after discovering the license plate was missing, I was walking Murphy down the road and found a Wyoming plate just laying in the street. I just know God put that there for us! I just hope it's not from a stolen vehicle......so now our trike trailer has a Wyoming license plate on it and it doesn't expire until December 09. How lucky was that???
That's about the extent of our day today. Keep your prayers heading upwards tomorrow that they find the problem and we can be on our way. Matter of fact, I'm just going to make you a list of things to pray for tomorrow:
1) That they fix the RV and know its fixed...not 70%.......not 50%; but 100%!
2) That when they do find the problem, it doesn't bankrupt us.
3) That Chuck and I continue to laugh at stressful things & look at the adventure in each of them
See, it's a short list tonight. Thanks for reading our Blog....we love writing it and taking you all with us on our journey. Talk to you tomorrow!
Yes Elizabeth, we are jealous here in Texas with temps hovering around 100 this week. Keep having fun and enjoy the weather while you can !
Happy Birthday Aunt Liz!
Hey Matt and I suggest that when you go to Calf you should travel the Del Norte Coast Red Wood SP (great for motorcycles) we drove from San Francisco up to Crescent on Hwy 101 (went through wine country) and then back down HWY1, the Pacific Coast Highway, magnificent views. Del Norte meets up with the Pacific Coast Highway very fun drive, but do not attempt it in the RV not a good idea. Stay on 101 with the RV, and trik the Pacific Coast Highway and Del Norte. You will love it, get lots of pics most of mine from the Honnymoon were lost when my laptop crashed.
Too the moon and back
Liz: Love reading about your adventure. Keep them coming. Be careful and have a safe trip.
Kims Mom/
Hilarious reading! Good luck. Love Murphy's picture - looks like he is in jail with a stolen Wyoming license plate. I don't know how to pump gas and don't want to know!!!!!
Again, we had such a good time with you. Couldn't open all the pictures???
Happy Birthday Aunt Liz!
Hey Matt and I suggest that when you go to Calf you should travel the Del Norte Coast Red Wood SP (great for motorcycles) we drove from San Francisco up to Crescent on Hwy 101 (went through wine country) and then back down HWY1, the Pacific Coast Highway, magnificent views. Del Norte meets up with the Pacific Coast Highway very fun drive, but do not attempt it in the RV not a good idea. Stay on 101 with the RV, and trik the Pacific Coast Highway and Del Norte. You will love it, get lots of pics most of mine from the Honnymoon were lost when my laptop crashed.
Too the moon and back
Hi Liz, my prayers are for you both, but just remember make things right with God. Often times we're so involved with things that we forget about Him, He is the source of our own existence let alone our own happiness, and sometimes some little bumps along the way, but He's always there for us. Happy trails!!!
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