Tuesday, June 2 – Raton Pass, NM
9:00 am
Got moving early this morning....couldn’t wait to see if I could get us out of the RV parking space I managed to lodge myself into without any insurance damage. We disconnected the motorcycle trailer, moved the RV carefully past the 5th wheel (I believe I visually measured 6” between us) that was parked next to us, drove around the block and came back & picked up the trailer. Now I was in the park backwards. Couldn’t make the sharp u-turn at the end of the road, so Chuck and I both thought, “Hey, there’s a road to the right we could take....I bet it goes out”. Well, it didn’t. DEAD END. Yep, you guys haven’t been praying hard enough for me not to have to back the RV up with a trailer....a major no-no.....so I was forced to BACKUP WITH A TRAILER. I’m just glad this issue isn’t hanging over me anymore....I’ve now done it; nothing was damaged in the process and I’m not nearly as frightened of doing this now. We still had to disconnect the trailer and reposition the RV, but hey, it all worked out and we didn’t yell at each other in the process.
So we get on our way down the road. As we were chuckling over how stupid we were, it started raining. Hard...VERY HARD.. Chuck and I looked at each other and decided we were being tested to see how we handle difficult situations....and today we passed I’m happy to say!
7:15 pm
We are now in Raton Pass which is just south of the border of Colorado & NM. We made good time today even though we had 40 mph SIDE winds (verified on the weather channel) and are currently perched on top of a cliff overlooking the mountains and the highway that the semi's are crawling up. Chuck is making pasta tonight and it smells G-O-O-D!! This driving thing makes you hungry.
Murphy is doing great. He's loving being an only child and wearing his favorite sweatshirt....did I mention it's 48 degrees outside (crazy cold front blew in with the 40 mph winds....go figure!). We've been pulling burrs out of his paws since we got here that he got at the gas station. He had a little...ugh....how do I say this delicately....diarrhea at the gas station.
All in all, today was a good day. Much much better than yesterday and we are looking for tomorrow to be even better than today. I would be including pictures of all of these nice adventures so far, but I left my digital card reader at home, so until we get by a Wal-Mart, I'm just including pictures from Google. Talk to ya tomorrow!
And here I thought I was the only one tested for difficult situations when we lived in Colorado and drove Raton Pass a many a time coming home to visit the Texas family!!!! (You really are making me miss Colorado!!! I did love it there!!)
Be careful...watch those winds in Colorado and keep us all up on what's happening!! Kisses to you both!! GLENDA
Hey Guys .... I can appreciate what you have accomplished Liz being all too familar with RVnnnnnng. I have had some pretty scaring experiences myself. I was going thru Cleveland one night about 2am, was on a section of Highway that I was later told by the policeman who happened to stop by, that this was the most dangerous place to stop in
the Cleveland area. More robberys, killings and muggings that all the areas in this city. I had a fuel filter go out and can you imagine trying to find a mechanic at 2am?
Well the policeman help me find a mechanic, and the mechanic asked me, do you have $200.00 in cash, I had an extra fuel filter (always carried one on board) and I said yes, so he came, replaced the fuel filter and I was on my way. Thank God for the policeman.
I have had many other experiences, but what a way to travel in my business after flying for over 20 years. Patsy always said, I had a Cast Iron Ass. She was right.
You Guys, have a safe one. Gene
Thanks so much. I feel like I am on vacation, just hearing about yours. You always have so many things going on in your life. Always an adventure . Has been very hot here, but cooler today with a little rain. Give Chuck a hug. Later. Keep me posted. Joy
I'm glad you made it - you are more talented than we thought. Is Miss Kreuger with you? xxooxx
It's fun to read about your adventures. Dick and I went to Utah a few weeks ago and recommend the drive between Bryce Canyon National Park and Capitol Reef National Park. The scenery along the was is incredible! Have fun!
Rita and Dick
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