Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Welcome to the Redneck Twilight Zone.....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Howdy ya'll!!

Just wanted to share a wonderful experience we had this past weekend right here in good ol' East Texas.......I love living here....such friendly people; wonderful eating establishments; and they speak an entirely different language than the rest of the world.  Let me explain.....

The neighbors, Troy and Becky, called us the other morning and invited us to breakfast at a new eating establishment that we had never heard of; which is odd, cause we thought we had been to all four of them!  They picked us up and off we went.  They headed down the service road of the nearby highway and stopped just across from the Exit 146 Rest Stop.....yep, the Highway Rest Stop with the open aired, cinderblock bathrooms, bugs on the walls, no toilet paper and full of truckers and travelers..........Now...this may get a little confusing, so try to stay with me here.....I'm going to give you a little "East Texas" talk........

First, I was as nervous as a snake in a wheel rut cause we pulled up beside this "shack" that resembled the south end of a north bound horse that they were calling our breakfast spot.   AGH.......Anyway, I reckoned we could try it this once....

As we stepped out of the car, we immediately noticed the "outdoor cafe" seating they had next to the handicapped parking.  Well, it was colder'n a well digger's hiney outside and I just needed some coffee; strong coffee.......Let me just say, that coffee was so strong it could hairlip a donkey.  WHOA!  As we walk in the door, I hear "If you tump that over I'll slap a fart out of you that'l whiz like a ten penney nail."  Oooookkkk......welcome to the Redneck Twilight Zone........The second thing I noticed was this little baggy filled with water stapled to the inside door frame.   Hummmmm, well I didn't just fall off the turnip truck yesterday you know, but I couldn't figure out for the life of me why they would hang a baggy full of water from the top of the door frame......Soooo....I asked our "friendly as a wet dog" waitress who informed me it was to keep the flies out.....oooookkkk.......trouble with flies, huh??  Well, I've got a cow, I didn't need her bull, so I questioned further.....

She simply stated the baggy filled with water was as handy as a pocket on a shirt cause when the flies tried to fly in the door, they would see this water baggy, see their magnified reflection and it would scare them off.   Now, although this gal could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence, she certainly appeared believable.......

The breakfast was finer than frog hair, I've got to tell ya.......yummy pancakes and crunchy hashbrowns!!  Yum Yum......As we finished up and headed out, mother nature came a'callin, so we discovered the only bathroom was up yonder way across the road to the Exit 146 Rest Stop............

I love living in East Texas....I really really really do!


Anonymous said...

Well, gotta tell yah Liz, I got news for you, I make some mean pancakes myself...eat your heart out honey!!


Liz Etheridge-Sekerke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

you are priceless!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

So what your saying is they moved that eating establishment in Saltilla to the service Rd?


Anonymous said...

Hey Liz
Can i get the name and address of that place, sounds great.
See, Sammie and i don't eat at places that are national chains, this right up our alley. And the baggie for the flies is an age old tradition and it works. It's been written up several times in numerous scientific magazines. Can't believe you don't have any at your house.

Anonymous said...

ROFL – That has got to be my favorite so far!


Anonymous said...

Liz: I love it!
My favorite meal is Breakfast!!
Jackie will tell you "I plan for it a week in advance.
We've snuggled into the Dairy Bar however I've always said if they had good hash browns it would be a "10" rating.
When I get back a week from Saturday I'm going to try this place on your radar. And of course after my surgery I'll be craving for places to try during my "not looking forward to REHAB"
Thank for sharing!!
Watch our for the Horny Turtles and Gay squirrels!!!


Anonymous said...

Are you sure you were in Texas....sounds like Alabama or interior
Florida.....you didn't mention the prices, but I bet they were as good
as the food! You have adverturous neighbors who find good places
to eat! super good blog.
ant ellie

Anonymous said...

Just a few corrections on your East Texas terms—

This all happened next to the roadside park
Open air is pretty universal (not aired)
People are as nervous as a snake in a wagon rut (not wheel)
Also it’s the north end of a south bound mule
It’s a well diggers butt
In east Texas reckond does not have a past tense—
In France they have a lot of outdoor (or sidewalk) cafes—here we have places you pull up to, order and eat outside or in your car
Here we hair lip a mule not donkey
We knock or turn over stuff—tump is when you get closer to Dallas
You see it is redundant to say that this was the redneck Twilight zone---redneck and twilight zone are one in the same
And you were at a normal redneck location (east Texas)
Was she as loveable as a wet dog or friendly as a pitt bull—lots of difference
And if you only have a cow you really need a bull, whether it is hers or not
Actually the saying is a hip pocket on a shirt—get it—you don’t have to reach back
Here many of our fine women can eat corn on the cob through a picket fence and it does not make them believable or un believable
You fall off of “a” turnip truck as there are more than one around and people are falling off them in a steady stream, kind of like a bovine urinating on a rock that isn’t round

Liz, your content however was good---B-


Anonymous said...

Liz, we really like this place. The folks are great, the food is just as good - the waitress remembers each of us and what we like to eat. Jan

Anonymous said...

Hysterical! Great use of east texas lingo. Real funny.


Anonymous said...

Love it! Been here and yes the food is great and I know your kidding and using country words and it was great fun!


Anonymous said...

Liz, I read your blog and I just hope that the people who own the place and the waitress do not hear about this. Even though you said you exaggerated, I feel it could hurt their feelings and they are decent, good Christian people and so enjoy doing what they are doing and do a good job of it. I feel that they would totally feel insulted by this.

Anonymous said...

You have fun everywhere you go and I have enjoyed your many stories but that one about east Texas and the quaint resturant was the best yet.
