Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"Nightmare on Eagle Cove"

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This morning......early.....I awoke to the sound of a loud meowing cat......holy toledo, not "just" meowing....but like a "frantic cat in heat" cry! I jumped out of bed, first thinking we must have left Kruger the 1-claw cat outside last night, but upon getting to the foot of the bed and seeing the cat laying in her bed, I knew it wasn't Kruger. I tried following the "cries" but just couldn't figure out from what direction they were coming was early, folks........I went to the front door; nothing. I went to the back door; nothing.....yet I could still hear the desperate cries of this invisible cat.

I put my "good" ear out and walked around the house desperately trying to find where the distressed meowing "I'M IN HEAT" cry was coming from.......As I walked around, I noticed it seemed to get louder as I got closer to the bedroom.......followed the sound right to........yep, you guessed beloved Chuck!

Bless his heart; he's had sinus lately (which he rarely has.....unlike Liz) and was HIM making these distressed and desperate cat cries from his nose.

I am relieved, however, to know that it wasn't Kruger the 1-claw cat; she was suppose to have been fixed 3 years ago.......just like she was suppose to have been totally declawed 3 years ago, but the vet mistakenly left one claw....thus the name....Kruger (remember the movie, "Nightmare on Elm Street".....Freddie Kruger....he had sharp claws??)

I guess you could say I had a "Nightmare on Eagle Cove" this morning......

(FYI for Chuck's Fan Club: I did have his permission to write don't send me any hate mail, please)




Anonymous said...

So does this mean Chuck is in heat??


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

That was so sweet of you to remember me....and the cat
story was so neat. You are the best blogger. I really enjoy all the stuff going on, travels, house tours,
unusual places you go out to eat, etc.
I love you both lots and lots.
ant ellie