Tuesday, February 16, 2010

We Had To Waterboard Murphy Today......

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Now Chuck and I neither one are advocates for drastic punishment; much less to our beloved son, Murphy, but sometimes, just sometimes, a parent must take extreme measures when their child goes off the deep end....... yes, it's true.......as much as I hate to admit it, we had to resort to "waterboarding" Murphy today.  Sad...sad....sad.....  

This morning the whole family (that would be Chuck, Liz, Murphy, Callie the deaf and partially blind 150 year old dog and Kruger the 1-claw cat) were out on the driveway talking with our neighbor, Steve.  Suddenly, we see Kruger the 1-claw Cat running past us with a bird in its mouth heading to the backyard.  Before we can stop her, Murphy takes off chasing her around the house.  In no time at all, here comes Murphy around the corner with "part" of the bird in his mouth......ughhhhh......the HEAD.  Feathers hanging out of his mouth; guilty look written all over his face.  Chuck is tugging at Murphy trying to get him to drop the "head"; I'm yelling "Bad Boy....Really Bad Boy.....Murphy....YOU ARE A BAD BAD BOY".........Chuck finally gets him to drop the "head"; feathers still hanging out the side of his mouth..... That's when the decision to "waterboard" was first thought of.  I plunked that boy in the pantry sink, turned the water on, opened his filthy, feathery mouth and filled it with faucet water until it was adequately cleaned out of feathers and "stuff".

DISGUSTING.......meanwhile, I see Kruger the Cat burying what's left of the poor bird in the front flower bed with the help of Callie, the deaf and partially blind 150 year old dog.  Cannibals all of them!

You know, we did find a bright side to this tragedy.  We, as parents, were amazed to see our pets all getting along, not fighting and working as a "team" on something....anything.....


Anonymous said...

I love it, love it, love it!!!! Tell them I love them and they can do no wrong.
Love, Auntie Jacquetta

Anonymous said...

I think they both secretly want to be Miss K Kruger because they know cats rock!!!! E

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!!!! Thanks!
