Wow, busy last couple of days! We have had a blast having Christmas with our lake neighbors and incredible lunch that Jen stayed up all night working on - which, BTW, we were way underdressed for; attending the traditional candlelight service at Prestonwood with 2,999 other people; then heading to Chuck’s family Christmas at Doug & Diane’s where we watched the kids tear into the packages of electronic gadgets, video chairs and incredible brisket and beans! All this on Christmas Eve! We woke up to a beautiful Christmas morning where we hosted a Christmas Brunch at the lake for the Christmas Orphans (our friends who have no family in for Christmas) and then later headed to Jeanann’s for Christmas Dinner with even more orphans! Can I shove another piece of pumpkin pie in my piehole??? You bet!
BTW, Mr. Stein, the CPA, called me while we were driving the 2 hours to Dallas and was quite pleasant. Your prayers are working, folks!
Two Christmas’ down; and one to go! Hope you all had as Merry a Christmas as we did!
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