What a wonderful time of year! In the past 24 hours, we have been blessed to spend time with family, old friends, new friends, neighbors and most importantly, God.
What a perfect time of year to stop and reflect on those people who had such an impact on our lives this past year. Thought I’d share mine with you: My dear friend Jen. She has single handedly helped me “pause” and reflect on my destiny. Is my soul where it needs to be to tackle the future we have ahead of us? I don’t know about you, but I believe we are in for a rough time in the days ahead. She has been a true inspiration to me and given me cause for “pause” on whether or not I’m ready for what lies ahead. I would like to tell you my answer is “yes, of course”, but in good conscience, I can’t do that; but I am working on it. My prayer for Jen this coming year is healing; healing for the pain she lives with each day and the pain on the loss of her best friend and mom, Patsy.
Secondly, my Mother. She has been in such pain for well over a year now and has hung in there through it all. Her life has changed so much this year that I don’t think any of us could fully understand and appreciate the impact it has had on her. She has given up a great deal of her freedom that we simply take for granted. I pray for healing and happiness for my Mother this coming year as she prepares for double knee replacement surgery in January.
My Charlie. Where would I be without him? I’d be lost without him. Yes, I get frustrated and irritated when he has trouble hearing me (is it poor hearing or just SSH - Selective Spousal Hearing??) or when he feeds the dogs wet food because he thinks they won’t like him if he doesn’t, or the other millions of things that I get upset with him about, but at the end of the day, my love and respect for him is deeper than any love I’ve ever felt or ever hoped to feel for anyone. I pray, Charlie, for patience and understanding on my part and better hearing on your part this coming year. And I pray for a cure for MS. What a miracle that would be! I know your pain is great, yet you rarely complain or mention it.
I have been blessed with many wonderful family, friends that are like family, and new friends that I’m looking forward to getting to know better this coming year. I pray that I learn to like Mr. Stein, the CPA; that Buddy the neighborhood dog stays safe and warm; that my dear sister, Debbie, rarely be sad or down and that I’m nearby if and when she does; that our neighbors, Mike and Kim, never sell their lakehouse; that Becky’s Mom recover fully from her stroke and that Troy get that once-in-a-lifetime sunrise or bluebonnet picture. I pray for prosperity for my brother, James, and my son, Troy in the family businesses; for more special times with Bella and Brie and that they always love Grandpa Charlie & Lele with all their hearts; and that my soul be right with God.
Merry Christmas, my dear friends.
“Christmas is filled with special joys,
And the very best of all
Is contemplating those dear to us,
And the memories we recall.
We often think at Christmas time
Of people, affectionately,
And we realize how blessed we are
To have you in our family.”
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