I have been so blessed to have found the most awesome Ladies Bible Study group here in East Texas. I’ve only been a part of this incredible group of ladies for a short time, but I constantly find it amazing how the Lord puts me at the right place at the right time. It’s a long story on how I came to be a part of this group, but trust me when I say it was nothing short of a miracle that I’m there. The leader of the group, Norma, is one of the most amazing ladies I have ever met. I don’t think I would ever tire of listening to her teach. I never leave there without having learned something new or giving me pause. The luncheon today at my friend, Cici’s house, was a special time for me to personally get to know these ladies better. Most of them have known each other for years, and treated me as though they had known ME for years!
Thank you, Lord, for not giving up on me when I’m not listening.
“Lord, you are never taken by surprise. May that truth prompt us to relax into the comfort of being real with you at all times. No masks. No hiding.”
Lee (on Twitter)
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