Yep, that’s right. Murphy now has Goggles, I mean Doggles, to wear on the motorcycle. He kept complaining about his eyes drying out while riding, so Santa brought these to him for Christmas. I know its a week early, but he may be doing some riding between now and next week, (plus he BEGGED us to let him open it) so we went ahead and let him open his gift. He has one other gift coming that you’ll just have to wait and see. It’s pretty cool too!
Today I’m writing early as I’m heading into Dallas to take the girls (Bella, Brie and Jen) to the exhibit ICE at the Gaylord. Can’t wait to see the girls again. It’s been awhile and its always a treat for Lele (that’s me!) to spend time with my girls. I’m sure there will be pic’s on here tomorrow from our trip today!
Talk to you tomorrow!
“Lord, we need a large dose of contentment to get us through this holiday season. Show us little glimpses of your grace, mercy and loving presence today.”
Lee (on Twitter)
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